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Filtered by: Freedom of Expression

Payout for Christian woman who was fined for silent prayer, but government planing new restrictions

August 19, 2024, United Kingdom

A Christian charity volunteer has received a £13,000 payout and an apology from police after claiming her arrest for silently praying outside an abortion clinic was unjust and violated her human rights. While many see this as a victory for religious freedom, the new UK government is planning to introduce national legislation banning prayer outside abortion clinics.

Christian Activists unlawfully arrested in Paris

August 5, 2024, France

On August 5, Parisian police arrested six Christians who were on a bus labelled with “Stop attacks on Christians” driving around Paris to bring attention to the Last Supper parody at the Paris Olympics opening ceremony and its anti-Christian message.

NI Court Prosecutes Man and Woman for Praying in Coleraine "Buffer Zone"

July 30, 2024, United Kingdom

In Northern Ireland, a court is set to rule on the case of a woman and a man who were arrested for praying inside an abortion "buffer zone" in October 2023. If found guilty in the current hearing, the woman who pleaded not guilty faces up to six months in prison. The police arrested them without any prior complaints about their presence on the street.

UPDATE: Christian teacher loses High Court appeal after being banned for ‘misgendering’

July 25, 2024, United Kingdom

Joshua Sutcliffe, a Christian maths teacher, lost his High Court appeal case after being banned from teaching for "misgendering" a pupil. The judge said that “just because misgendering a transgender pupil might not be unlawful does not mean that it is appropriate conduct for a teacher.”

Young Christians attacked on Lake Constance while preaching

July 12, 2024, Germany

On Wednesday afternoon, July 12, a group of young Christians aged between 16 and 23 were attacked on Lake Constance while they were reading bible verses over a megaphone on a rental boat.

Scotland: Most extreme buffer zone law passes first stage

May 30, 2024, United Kingdom

The Scottish draft legislation on abortion "buffer zones", which was passed at first stage on April 30, has sparked a debate on the criminalisation of silent prayer in these zones. This bill proposes the creation of a zone extending to 200 meters around abortion clinics in which "influencing" someone in regard to abortion would be illegal. In a parliament debate MSP Jeremy Balfour asked if he would be criminalised for praying at a bus stop inside the zone. He tabled an amendment seeking to exclude silent prayer from the criminal actions within the zone. MSP Gillian Mackay who introduced the Bill responded to Mr Balfour by saying: "If nobody knows someone is praying, and nothing in their conduct is capable of having the effects on women or staff that this Bill seeks to prevent, then it is unlikely that any offence could be committed. If someone stands silently praying for a long time, deliberately looking at women accessing an abortion clinic, or for example with a sign, then they may be committing an offence."

Police accused of pressuring Tory party to unseat Councillor Stevens

May 18, 2024, United Kingdom

Media revealed that a police detective allegedly put pressure on the Wellingborough local Tory party to unseat councillor Anthony Stevens after Mr. Stevens had defended the freedom of speech of a Christian street preacher and a Christian councillor. According to reports, the police detective explained that “in her opinion” Mr Steven was “not a fit person to be a councillor” because of his free speech beliefs and used internal information ton put pressure on the local chair of the committee. The incident happened just before the police searched and detained Cllr Stevens for supporting the freedom of speech case of Christian councillor King Lawal on his personal Twitter account in August 2023. The incident has prompted accusations of political interference by police.

Polish missionaries arrested in Belarus

May 8, 2024, Belarus

On May 8, two Polish missionaries, Fr Andrzej Yukhnievich, OMI and Fr Pawel Lemekh, OMI were detained at the parish church of Our Lady of Fatima, Šumilina in Belarus for expressing their support to Ukraine. They have been sentenced to 15 days and 10 days in prison, for “subversive activity to the detriment of the Belarussian state”.

England's High court backs prayer ritual ban at schools

April 16, 2024, United Kingdom

In its judgment on Tuesday, April 16, the High Court of England and Wales dismissed a Muslim pupil's challenge to a ban of 'prayer rituals' at Michaela Community School in Brent, north-west London. The High Court judged that publicly funded schools in England can impose such bans of communal prayer rituals among students. It is not yet clear in how far Christian prayer will be affected by the ban.

Archbishop receives criminal conviction for criticising Russia's war in Ukraine

April 8, 2024, Russia

According to the religious freedom watchdog organisation Forum 18, Archbishop Viktor Pivovarov has become the fifth person to receive a criminal conviction for criticising Russia's war in Ukraine from a religious perspective. On April 8, he was found guilty of repeatedly "discrediting" the Russian Armed Forces after condemning the war as "aggressive" and "Satanic" in his sermons.

Scottish 'Hate Speech' Bill Could Limit Freedom of Religion

April 1, 2024, United Kingdom

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 came into force on April 1, 2024. The Act could criminalise expressions of religious convictions, religious and human rights groups fear.

"Never again!" Banner Stolen from Church Fence

March 30, 2024, Germany

In the night from Good Friday to Holy Saturday, unknown perpetrators removed a banner from the fence of St Sebastian's parish and stole it. The campaign slogan: "Never again! - Strong together for democracy and against right-wing extremism!" Investigations are ongoing. 

South Korean pastor arrested for missionary work in Russia

March 15, 2024, Russia

Baek Kwang-Soon, a South Korean pastor was detained in Russia on espionage charges after being found to have been working with North Korean fugitives in Vladivostok. According to Lee Seong Gu, head of the Global Love Rice Sharing Foundation, Baek had been doing missionary work and providing clothes, food, and the Gospel to Russian, Thai, and North Korean workers in need. Baek was arrested earlier this year by Russian law enforcement authorities, as reported by Russian state news agency Tass on Monday, March 11.

Priest faces up to three years in prison for criticising Islam

March 5, 2024, Spain

As reported by the Catholic News Agency on March 5, Fr. Custodio Ballester, parish priest from Barcelona, and two other individuals received a summons from a provincial court in Spain in February to answer charges of an alleged “hate crime” for criticising Islam. The charges were initially brought in 2020, when Catalonia's public prosecutor claimed that Fr. Ballester's 2016 article entitled 'The impossible dialogue with Islam' met the criteria of a 'hate crime'. If convicted, Ballester faces up to three years in prison and a fine of more than EUR 1,500.

Taxi Driver Fined for Displaying Bible Verse

February 20, 2024, Germany

A taxi driver from the German town of Essen was fined for displaying a small Bible verse sticker on the rear window of his car. The city authorities claim that the Bible verse constitutes "religious advertising", which is illegal on taxis which are regarded as part of the public transport.

Police investigation of Christian preacher over 'hate-crime complaints'

February 6, 2024, United Kingdom

Metropolitan Police officers have been filmed threatening to arrest a Christian preacher over allegations of a breach of a Public Space Protection Order. A video posted on social media showed a group of at least five officers demanding the names of evangelists due to allegations of a hate crime after they had been preaching and reading from the Bible.

Draft Bill seeks to introduce Censorship Zones Around Abortion Clinics

January 29, 2024, Germany

Germany's Federal Family Minister, Lisa Paus, has proposed amendments to the Pregnancy Conflict Act ("Schwangerschaftskonfliktgesetz"), which would impose fines up to 5.000 euros fine on anyone committing a "disturbing" or "confusing" action within 100 meters around abortion clinics. Religious freedom organizations fear that this law could lead to 'censorship zones' like in the UK where individuals have been arrested for silent prayer and other peaceful expressions on public streets around abortion clinics.

Woman harassed by Metropolitan Police for Publicly Signing Gospel Songs

January 28, 2024, United Kingdom

Harmonie London was performing in London's Oxford Street when a Metropolitan Police special constable told her: “No, miss, you’re not allowed to sing church songs outside of church grounds, by the way”.

Teaching Assistant Wins Legal Case After Being Fired for Street Preaching

January 12, 2024, United Kingdom

In March 2022, Andy Nix, 65, was called to the headteacher's office from Temple Moor High School and interrogated about his street preaching in the summer of 2021. This happened after some students complained that his street preaching made them feel "unsafe". He was fired on the spot and had to leave the school premises immediately. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre (CLC), Mr Nix took legal action against the school claiming harassment, discrimination and a breach of his right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion under Article 9 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). Now, the school decided to settle the case and pay him £7,000 in compensation instead of going to trial.

UPDATE: Prosecutor Will Take Päivi Räsänen Case to The Supreme Court

January 12, 2024, Finland

After the Court of Appeal cleared Päivi Räsänen of all charges in November 2023, the prosecutor has decided to take the case against the Finnish politician to the Supreme Court of Finland. The case started back in 2019 due to do social media postings by Mrs. Räsänen, in which she quoted a bible verse and asked the Finnish Lutheran Church to stop the support of the Helsinki Gay Pride Parade. Part of the charges were also directed against the Lutheran bishop Juhana Pohjola, who published a booklet by Mrs Räsänen about the Christian teaching on marriage and family.

Woman forced off public street by police while praying

December 18, 2023, United Kingdom

Livia Tossici-Bolt, a 63-year old charitable volunteer, has filed a complaint against officers who forced her off a public street where she was peacefully praying and holding a sign. While the officers accused her of breaching the local "buffer zone" legislation, Mrs. Tossici-Bolt was actually not standing within the zone, as video evidence confirms.

ECJ rules Public Administrations can ban Religious Symbols at work

November 28, 2023, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

A judgment by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) from November 28 ruled that a public administration's imposition of strict neutrality to establish a 'neutral administrative environment' by forbidding the use of visible religious symbols can be justified. The Court states that Member States have discretion in designing neutrality policies but must pursue these objectives consistently and reasonably. This concept of 'strict neutrality', which is seen as opposed to visible religious symbols, raises religious freedom concerns.

UPDATE: Dáil Éireann Passes Abortion 'Buffer Zone' Bill

November 15, 2023, Ireland

The lower house of the Irish Parliament has passed a bill in support of so-called 'buffer zones' around abortion clinics, which will now move to the upper house (Seanad) for consideration. The proposed Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services) / Safe Access Zones Bill criminalizes individuals attempting to offer advice or influence pregnant women within 100 meters of an abortion clinic. Repeat offenders could face a fine of €2,500 or up to six months in prison. Churches loced within these zones fear restrictions on church grounds under the propsed bill.

Good News: Päivi Räsänen Found Not Guilty of 'Hate Speech' for Quoting the Bible

November 14, 2023, Finland

The Finnish appeal court has unanimously upheld the 2022 acquittal and dismissed all charges against Finnish MP Päivi Räsänen and Bishop Juhana Pohjola who had been on trial for having publicly expressed their Christian beliefs. The ruling is considered to be a victory for freedom of religion and expression.

Scottish MP says she left her party after being 'unwelcome as a Christian'

October 25, 2023, United Kingdom

Scottish MP Dr Lisa Cameron shared on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour how she had felt marginalised in the Scottish National Party (SNP) because of her Christian faith and pressured to vote against her convictions. Now defected to the Conservative Party, Dr Cameron voted against the 2020 new abortion regime for Northern Ireland and disagreed with bills which sought to legalise assisted suicide in England and Wales.

Christian Preacher Faces up to Six Months in Prison for Holding Sign with Bible Verse

October 17, 2023, United Kingdom

Christian preacher, Stephen Green, 72, was tried in court on October 17, for allegedly having protested against abortion within a 'buffer zone' surrounding MSI Reproductive Choices clinic in Mattock Lane, West London on February 6, 2023. Green was quietly holding a sign with a Bible verse from Psalm 139:13 written on it, which reads: "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb". Appearing at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court, Green pleaded not guilty to breaking the public spaces protection order (PSPO). According to the Mail Online, Mr. Green's charge sheet accuses him of "[protesting] by engaging in an act of disapproval or attempted act of disapproval with respect to issues related to abortion services, by written means in that you were holding a large sign displaying the text ‘Psalm 139:13 (...) relating directly or indirectly to the termination of pregnancy."

Christian Secondary School Teacher Fired after Refusing to Teach 8-Year-Old Pupils Gender and Sexual Identities

October 9, 2023, United Kingdom

Glawdys Leger, 43, taught modern foreign languages at Bishop Justus Church of England School until May, 2022 when she was fired for refusing to teach her 7 and 8-year-old pupils about gender and sexual identities. The teacher was reported by a student and subsequently fired for "gross misconduct" after an investigation and disciplinary hearing. Shortly after, she received a letter from the Teaching Regulation Agency that allegedly her teaching conduct had been "contrary to fundamental British values in that it lacked tolerance to those with different beliefs." Leger, on the other hand, says that she "cannot, in good conscience, teach or say things I believe are contrary to my faith." Leger's hearing is due to commence in Coventry on October 9, 2023.

First Arrests in Coleraine over Abortion Clinic Buffer Zone

October 3, 2023, Ireland

The first arrests in Northern Ireland in relation to the new buffer zones regulation around abortion clinics occurred on the morning of October 3. The individuals arrested were a Catholic man and woman. They were praying outside Causeway Hospital. The woman was praying on her knees with a rosary and they were holding pro-life signs. Officers told them to leave and when they refused they were arrested. They were later released on bail pending further enquiries. The issue was highlighted when a pro-choice activist posted a photo of the pair talking to a police officer on social media. A fellow activist who knew the pair said they had been coming to pray outside the hospital weekly after regulations permitting abortion were introduced in Northern Ireland in March 2020.

Armed raid on Krasnodar church and arrest of clergy following anti-war sermon

October 3, 2023, Russia

On 3 October special police units raided the premises of the Holy Intercession Tikhonite Church, a non-Moscow Patriarchate Russian Orthodox Church in Krasnodar Krai, southern Russia. Electronic devices and documents were seized, and the agents, armed with machine guns, arrested and threatened to criminally prosecute Archbishop Viktor Pivovarov and Hieromonk Iona Sigida with "discrediting the Russian Armed Forces" for their anti-war stance.

Court rules against Geneva's ban on religious processions

September 13, 2023, Switzerland

The Swiss Federal Court has ruled in favour of a parish, which has been banned from organising a procession on Corpus Christi by the canton of Geneva. The Court found in its judgment (2C_285/2023) that the ban violates freedom of religion and conscience.

UPDATE: UK Home Secretary Clarifies that "Silent Prayer" is not Unlawful

September 8, 2023, United Kingdom

The Home Secretary of the UK has now clarified that “silent prayer, within itself, is not unlawful” in a letter for the police forces across the country. This statement comes in response to many months of controversy over "buffer zones" outside abortion facilities that have led to the arrest of several citizens for praying silently in their minds inside a buffer zone.

UPDATE: Päivi Räsänen Stands Trial Again For Sharing her Christian Worldview

September 1, 2023, Finland

During the 31st of August and the 1st September, Finnish Politian Päivi Räsänen and Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola stood trial at the Helsinki Court of Appeal for the charges brought against them of "inciting hatred" against LGBT people. These charges are based upon a Twitter post made by Räsänen in 2019, as well as a pamphlet and a radio interview. Last year, Räsänen and Pohjola were unanimously acquitted of all charges, but due to the appeal by the prosecutor, they stood trial again. The verdict will be announced in November 30th.

UPDATE: Hieromonk Ioann Kurmoyarov sentenced to three years in jail for oposing war in Ukraine

August 31, 2023, Russia

The verdict of the Court against Fr Ioann Kurmoyarov was given on 31 August and has finally sentenced the hieromonk to 3 years in a penal colony accused of disseminating false information about the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

UPDATE: Councillor Supporting Christian Councillor's Freedom of Speech Now Faces Criminal Investigation

August 8, 2023, United Kingdom

On August 8, Wellingborough Town Councillor Anthony Stevens, 50, was searched in his house in front of his wife and children, taken to the Kettering police station, and heavily questioned, for posting tweets from his personal account supporting the case of Christian Councillor King Lawal. King Lawal faced suspension as a Councillor, investigations and other forms of cancelling and discriminatory treatment for tweeting that "Pride" is a sin in June 2023. Mr Lawal launched a petition, which has been signed by over 26,000 people, calling on the Chairman of the Conservative Party, Greg Hands, to intervene in his behalf. Cllr Stevens shared the petition and tweeted in support of Cllr Lawal saying: ‘If you value free speech please sign and share’. Officers showed Cllr Stevens his tweets and asked him why he supported the petition. Cllr Stevens stated that he is a free speech absolutist and that even if he does not agree with someone, he believes in their right to express their beliefs. Cllr Stevens was released on bail, his mobile phone was seized to be searched for further evidence. He is required to surrender himself at Kettering police station on November 1. He has made a complaint to the Independent Office for Police Conduct regarding his treatment.

UK: Man has his job offer rescinded after Company learns about his Christian Beliefs

July 14, 2023, United Kingdom

Felix Ngole, a Christian social worker, had a job offer by Touchstone Support withdrawn after the company found out that he won a free speech case over his Christian views. He says: “The reasons they gave for withdrawing the job offer were an attack on me and my faith." Ngole is now taking Touchstone to an employment tribunal.

Christian Activist In Belarus Jailed Again

July 11, 2023, Belarus

On the 11th of July 2023, Dmitry Dashkevich, a Christian political activist in Belarus who was imprisoned last year, was supposed to be released. However, the authorities unexpectedly arrested him again. Dmitry Dashkevich is a Belarusian activist, he was the leader of the Belarusian democratic movement "Young Front" in 2004-2015. He has been repeatedly detained by the authorities since the early 2000's, already serving two years in prison from 2011-2013.

High Court Reinstates Christian Governor Dismissed for Questioning School's Sex-Education Policy

July 5, 2023, United Kingdom

A Christian governor and mother who was dismissed for raising concerns with the trans-affirming sex-education policy at her children's primary school has been reinstated by the High Court. The mother, who was granted anonymity by the Court in order to protect her children, reached a legal settlement with the school after being kicked off its Governing Body for pointing to legal errors in its Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy. She first raised her concerns with fellow governors in March 2021. She pointed out that the Gateshead School's RSE policy could be unlawful, and shortly later, she was accused by the school managers of opposing their "collective decision." She was removed as governor in June 2022. The High Court recognized that the decision to remove her was unlawful and she was reinstated in August 2023.

Research Study shows Christian students' Perceptions of religious freedom in UK Universities

June 30, 2023, United Kingdom

In a recent study by four universities focusing on religious experiences among university students showed that, although the majority of students perceived a diverse and open atmosphere to different religions, there was still a small percentage (10%) of students that felt pressured to withhold their beliefs. Christian students emerged prominently as one of the most affected religious groups, facing challenges and unique perceptions within secular academic environments.

Ireland aproves 'buffer zones' that limit Freedom of Assembly, similar to those in England and Wales

June 29, 2023, Ireland

On the 29th of June, the Irish Government approved legislation to introduce 100-metre buffer zones around abortion clinics similar to those already in place in Northern Ireland and with the PSPO's and the Public Order bill in England and Wales. In the same way as in the UK, the legislation does not distinguish between harassment and peaceful activism such as silent prayer or mere physical presence inside the buffer zone.

GOOD NEWS: German Court upholds freedom of assembly: prayer group can pray near abortion facility

June 22, 2023, Germany

On the 20th of June, the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig ruled that blanket bans against peaceful prayer gatherings near abortion organisations were impermissible. With this ruling, the legal issues end for a local prayer group in Pforzheim, which are challenging the bans since 2019. Germany’s highest administrative court has protected freedom of assembly, but Federal minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus is planning to introduce censorship zones around abortion organisations.

Northamptonshire Councillor Cancelled and Suspended for Tweet About Pride

June 19, 2023, United Kingdom

Christian Councillor King Lawal, who has been a councillor at North Northamptonshire Unitary Council for two years, was cancelled by seven organizations and suspended by the Conservative party pending an investigation over his tweets. His tweets commented on an LGBT pride parade that included naked men illegally parading through the streets in front of children. On June 19, he tweeted: "When did Pride become a thing to celebrate? Because of Pride Satan fell as an archangel. Pride is not a virtue but a sin." On the same day he posted the tweet, he was contacted by the leader of North Northamptonshire Unitary Council who told him that he was suspended for 21 days pending an investigation. On July 3, a local authority that held a substantial council contract with Cllr Lawal's family business ordered an urgent meeting. The family business was told that unless Cllr Lawal was removed immediately as director, their contract would be withdrawn. Under potentially illegal pressure, Cllr Lawal resigned from his own company. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Cllr Lawal instructed his lawyers to prepare legal action alleging multiple violations of his rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion. On October 26, at a full council meeting, Cllr Lawal was reinstated. After being suspended for 3 months, Cllr Lawal said he was "relieved" but the Conservative party had still not dropped the complaint against him.

UPDATE: Former LGBT Man On Trial For Statements on His Conversion to Christianity

June 9, 2023, Malta

Matthew Grech, a maltese 33-year-old Christian, had his first Court trial on Friday 9th of June. He is being prosecuted on the grounds of "breaching the Affirmation of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression Act" and promoting "conversion therapy". He could face a prison sentence of up to five months and fines from 1,000 to 5,000 Euro. In the program, aired in April 2022, Grech shared his experience as a homosexual and how he found Christianity, which changed his life forever. Grech did not invite or encourage listeners to undergo any form of "conversion therapy".

Baptist pastor arrested and fined in Brest for preaching on the street

June 2, 2023, Belarus

On June 2, Vladimir Burshtyn was arrested and taken to trial after having been preaching in the street in Drahichyn the day before. The law enforcers told his wife that the reason for the arrest was the "organisation of mass events". He was fined 555 Belarusian rubles, over a month's average pension in the country.

Free speech and rule of law under threat in Ireland’s new "hate offences" bill

May 26, 2023, Ireland

On April 26, the lower house of the Irish Parliament passed what could be the most extreme hate speech law in Europe, with critics saying that it is in fact a 'thought crime' bill. The text of the bill makes the possession of material considered 'hateful' against certain groups a crime punishable with jail, and the burden of proof is shifted to the accused, who is expected to prove they didn't intend to use the material to "spread hate".

Update: Landmark Case Bans Christian Teacher for Misgendering a Transgender Pupil

May 23, 2023, United Kingdom

On May 23rd, a ruling by the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) in the UK banned Christian Joshua Sutcliffe from teaching altogether, after he failed to treat his pupils "with dignity and respect" by misgendering a transgender boy. This case is the first of its kind in the UK and has become international news. It goes back to 2017, when the former maths teacher at the Cherwell School in Oxford, said "well done girls" to a group of girls, where one was a transgender boy - and he later apologized. Sutcliffe was later also accused of inappropriately sharing his Christian beliefs.

British Man Admits Plotting to Murder Street Evangelist Hatun Tash

May 19, 2023, United Kingdom

A 21-year-old British man, Edward Little, has pleaded guilty to preparing to commit acts of terrorism in an attack against the evangelist Hatun Tash in 2022. Little was found carrying £5,000, with which he planned to buy a firearm to kill Hatun Tash at the Speaker's Corner, a place for public debates where she frequently debates and preaches. He refused the allegations at first, but on the May 19, 2023 he admitted to planning the murder back on September 23, 2022.

Citizen arrested in Madrid for praying in front of an abortion clinic

May 17, 2023, Spain

On May 17, a citizen who was silently praying in front of the Dator abortion clinic in Madrid was arrested by the Spanish national police. The arrest comes as a result of the entry into force of the reform of the Spanish Criminal Code last year, which punishes praying in front of abortion clinics as it considers it 'harassment to women.'

Teacher dismissed for 'hate speech' after being encouraged to share his Christian beliefs

May 12, 2023, United Kingdom

A teacher in Wales, Ben Dybowski, was encouraged to express his Christian beliefs at a seminar and was subsequently fired for "hate speech", according to the Daily Mail. The school claims that there is no evidence that his assignment was ended on the basis of his religious beliefs. The teacher said that he was prompted to share his opinions during a mandatory training session organised by the charity Diverse Cymru to instruct teachers on "workforce diversity practice, unconscious bias and gender awareness." He later commented that: "We were told it was a safe space and encouraged to speak freely."

UPDATE: Christian Mayoral Candidate Wins Legal Case After Being Fired For alleged "Hate Speech"

April 30, 2023, United Kingdom

In 2022, Maureen Martin, who was campaigning to become a mayor in London was sacked by her housing association employer for stating publicly that she believed in marriage between men and women. She was accused of gross misconduct for leading a "discriminatory" campaign. In April 2023, she won substantial damages following a legal challenge against her dismissal by the London & Quadrant Housing Trust (L&Q). She was supported by the NGO Christian Concern.

Minsk: Seven people fined for talking about Easter in the Street

April 15, 2023, Belarus

On April 15, seven young men were fined for talking about Easter in a public street in the city centre of Minsk. The individuals, who were all Protestant, were approached by police and told that they were violating the law by "conducting missionary activities without a permit." The police fined each one about 2 months' average wages, reports Forum 18.

First prison sentence for opposing Ukraine war on religious grounds

April 5, 2023, Russia

Mikhail Simonov, a 63-year-old Russian Orthodox Christian, has become the first person to be imprisoned for expressing opposition to Russia's war in Ukraine on religious grounds. Simonov has been accused of disseminating false information about the Russian armed forces "based on political hatred" due to two social media posts in which he criticized Russian attacks on Kiev and Mariupol. One of the posts read "We, Russia, have become godless. Forgive us, Lord!"

GOOD NEWS: England & Wales Police must defend freedom of expression even if controversial

March 13, 2023, United Kingdom

A new code of practice on Non-Crime Hate Incidents (NCHI) introduced to UK Parliament in March clarifyies that simply causing offence is not enough to justify the police including someone's personal information in an NCHI. This comes in opposition to previous NCHI measures that unlawfully interfered with free speech. For example when the Police logged the personal details of a person in a NCHI record after receiving a complaint about a ‘transphobic’ tweet. This user, Harry Miller, appealed and won the case.

Catholic hospital Chaplain wins Lawsuit After Being Fired for His Religious Statements

March 13, 2023, United Kingdom

In March 2023, Rev. Patrick Pullicino won a legal case, after being dismissed as Chaplain for expressing the traditional teachings of the Church about marriage. This case started in 2019, as Rev. Patrick Pullicino was dismissed as chaplain by the NHS Trust, after answering a question about the Church's teachings on traditional marriage, which was posed by a patient. The patient that pose the question then sent a complaint letter about Rev. Pullicino. Vanessa Ford, the acting chief executive of the South West London and Saint George's Mental Health NHS Trust, answered to the letter by stating that the trust's policy on equality and diversity "takes precedence over religious belief." Rev. Dr Patrick Pullicino, a Catholic chaplain and former professor of neurosciences sued the NHS Trust.

"Buffer Zones" Clause in England and Wales Criminalize Silent Prayer or "Influence" Around Abortion Clinics

March 7, 2023, United Kingdom

On March 7, the House of Commons voted to comprehensively introduce buffer zones around abortion clinics to the Public Order Bill for the final time. The clause to the bill was approved by a majority of 299 MPs in favor to 116 against. Now that the Public Order Bill is set to become law, any form of "influence" around abortion clinics will be criminalised, including silent prayer or consensual conversations, de facto making "thought crime" a reality in the UK. Experts have commented that while harassment and intimidation are already illegal, this law would be a serious attack on freedom of speech and freedom of thought.

German Minister wants buffer zones around abortion clinics

March 6, 2023, Germany

Germany prohibits abortion, but under the condition that women receive mandatory counseling, it is not punishable during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is also not punished in cases of danger for the woman's health or rape. As many politicians ask for its legalization, Lisa Paus, Federal Minister for Family Affairs, expressed her intentions to create buffer zones around abortion clinics, which poses a real thread on freedom of speech and thought if, as in the UK or Spain, they include the prohibition of prayer, for example.

Update: School Chaplain loses unfair dismissal case over a sermon where he stated biblical teachings

February 27, 2023, United Kingdom

Rev Dr. Bernard Randall, the former Trent College chaplain in Derbyshire, has lost his unfair dismissal appeal. He was dismissed and reported to a terrorist watchdog after holding a sermon in which he encouraged students to feel free to make up their own opinions regarding the school's initiative to promote LGBT workshops. Even though Rev. Bernard expressed himself respectfully and calmly, he was also blacklisted as a safeguarding risk to children by the Church of England (CofE).

Charity Worker Faces Charges After Sharing About being ex-gay and converting to Christianity

February 3, 2023, Malta

Matthew Grech, a 33-year-old charity worker from Malta had a first trial on February 3, after being charged with allegedly promoting 'conversion practices.' The allegations came after Matthew held an online interview with PMnews Malta in which he shared his testimony of becoming a Christian. He talked about his past, saying that he identified as gay in the past and used to be confused regarding his sexuality. Although he never promoted "conversion therapies", the police have pressed criminal charges against him.

UPDATE: Charges Dropped Against UK Woman for Praying Silently

February 1, 2023, United Kingdom

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce had been arrested and charged with violating protest policy near an abortion center, as she was standing on the street and praying in her thoughts. UK authorities have now dropped the charges against her, but the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) warned that charges could start again in a near future. Vaughan-Spruce has said she wants to seek a clear verdict in court.

Dutch Council of State Opinion: "Conversion Therapy" Banns Violate Religious Freedom

January 30, 2023, Netherlands

One year after a group of MPs proposed a Bill in the Netherlands to ban "conversion therapies" (February 2022), the Dutch Council of State declared that the proposed bill would be a violation of religious freedom. The proposed bill aimed to impose a fine of up to 22,500€ and a year of prison for anyone found guilty of offering conversion therapies. But in a recent opinion, the Council announced that there was no clear way to differentiate between actual victims of coercion and participants who chose such a practice voluntarily, emphasizing that intrusive forms of "conversion therapy" and coercion are already prohibited by the existing laws.

House of Lords Passes Buffer Zone Amendment That Turns Prayer into "Thought Crime"

January 30, 2023, United Kingdom

On the 30th of January, the House of Lords passed an amendment that introduces fines for citizens found guilty of “influencing any person’s decision to access, provide or facilitate the provision of abortion services” within 150 metres of these service facilities. The amendment made to the Public Order Bill was tabled by Conservative peer Baroness Suggs.

Street Preacher in Scotland wins Case After Being Wrongfully arrested for alleged "Hate Speech"

January 13, 2023, United Kingdom

Mr Angus Cameron, the Pastor of Cumnock Baptist Church, has now received £5,500 for his unlawful detention by the Police, as well as £9,400 for the legal costs. Mr Cameron decided to donate all of his compensation to The Christian Institute, an NGO that supported him throughout this legal case. Mr Cameron was handcuffed and arrested by the police back in 2020, for "breach of the peace with homophobic aggravation". He was contacted by the police a few days later and told that he would not be prosecuted, but a non-crime hate incident had been filed. Mr Cameron then sought assistance from the Christian Institute.

Birmingham charity worker arrested for praying 'in her mind' near an abortion facility

December 20, 2022, United Kingdom

ADF UK reported that a charity volunteer has been arrested and charged with four counts after telling the police that she “might” be praying silently in her mind, after being questioned by them over why she was standing inside an abortion facility’s censorship zone. The arrest and charges took place as authorities consider criminalising prayer near abortion facilities nationwide in the new Public Order Bill.

Greek football star will appeal prison sentence for Controversial Social Media Post

November 14, 2022, Greece

The former football player Vasilios Tsiartas was sentenced this November to 10 months in prison for a comment made on Facebook in 2017 where he stated that “God created Adam and Eve” in response to a bill for the redefinition of gender identity. On his Twitter account, he has stated that he will appeal the sentence.

Norwegian Christian Prayer channel Blocked by YouTube

November 8, 2022, Norway

CNE News reports that YouTube has banned a Norwegian prayer channel called "Kanal 10 'We pray for you'" for allegedly violating the social media guidelines under the category of "online spam, deceptive practices and fraud." Øyvind Rygg, the general manager of Kanal 10, says there are also no economic interests in the program. "We were told last week Monday that if we continued to broadcast the prayer program, YouTube would block us. That means that they are ending our entire channel on YouTube", told Rygg to Dagen.

UK street preacher found not guilty of "hate speech"

November 2, 2022, United Kingdom

Christian Concern reports that Shaun O’Sullivan, a Christian preacher who was arrested for criticising Muhammad and Buddha, has been found not guilty following a court hearing. O’Sullivan was arrested in Swindon Town Centre on 11 March 2020, for alleged ‘hate speech’ and for causing "harassment, alarm and distress."

UK: Prayers and activism banned on buffer zone around Bournemouth abortion clinic

October 14, 2022, United Kingdom

A buffer zone was implemented outside the BPAS clinic in Bournemouth in a bid to deter people from praying or standing with pro-life signs outside the clinic. Anyone that fails to accept the decision could incur a fixed penalty notice of £100 or face court action. Buffer zones have been widely discussed, due to their limitation of freedom of assembly and freedom of expression.

ECHR acquits woman that desecrated a Paris Church simulating an abortion of Christ and Urinating on the Altar

October 13, 2022, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The European Court of Human Rights has recently concluded that Eloïse Bouton, a "Femen" member who performed a topless act simulating an abortion of Christ by the Virgin Mary in front of the altar and tabernacle of La Madeleine Church in Paris in 2013, has to be compensated. She had been sentenced by the French court to a one-month suspended prison and 2,000 euro fine for "sexual exhibition". She had also desecrated the altar of the church with urination and anti-Christian slogans and symbolism. With this ruling, a dangerous record of precedents is being created that will only encourage more blasphemous attacks on Christians.

Russia: Two priests on trial for opposing the war in Ukraine

October 10, 2022, Russia

Two Russian Orthodox hieromonks (monks who are also priests in the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholicism) had criminal cases opened against them for opposing the Russian invasion of Ukraine on religious grounds. Forum 18 is following the cases and reports that Fr Nikandr Pinchuk's first full trial hearing in Sverdlovsk Oblast is due on 17 October, while Fr Ioann Kurmoyarov, who is in pre-trial detention since early June, has his trial on 14 November in St Petersburg.

Christian Doctor Faced Pressure After Offering Prayer to Patients

October 9, 2022, United Kingdom

In May 2019, Dr. Richard Scott faced an investigation by the NHS England (National Health Service) after several complaints were made about him offering prayer to patients, as he discussed this practice during a BBC Radio 4 interview. Dr. Scott faced an investigation to see if he was fit for practice, but the case has now been settled between Dr. Scott and the NHS, as reported on the news at the beginning of October. He has agreed to attend a course about professional boundaries and at the same time, with no admittance of wrongdoing.

UK Christians' Right to Freedom of expression Threatened in upcoming Public Order Bill

October 7, 2022, United Kingdom

The UK's already controversial Public Order Bill has received an amendment proposal that would criminalize supporting women seeking an abortion within a 150-meter "buffer zone" from an abortion clinic. Apart from the fact that this would open the way for authorities to repress Christian street preachers, this amendment means that prayer or any kind of help inside the "buffer zones" could lead to an up to two-year jail sentence. Laws like this already exist in Northern Ireland since March, and will also be a reality in Scotland in the near future.

Irish Human Rights Commission Approves bill for "Safe Access Zones" Outside abortion clinics

September 30, 2022, Ireland

During the last week of September, the Irish Human Rights Commission (IHREC) announced its submission on the General Scheme of the Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services (Safe Access Zones)) Bill 2022 and agreed with the government by supporting the controversial law proposal. This decision was taken despite the concerns for Freedom of speech and Freedom of Assembly that these restrictions pose.

Satanist and Anarchist tags at a church in Zurich

September 17, 2022, Switzerland

Satanist tags have been painted on the walls of the Church of the Sacred Heart in Zurich on September 17. On the same day, Bishop Marian Eleganti, former auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Chur, celebrated a mass there as part of the "March for Life", organized on the same day. The act was claimed by the anarchist group, to protest against the "March for Life".

Scotland Politician Disciplined by Party Leaders for defending pro-life Support and Prayer outside hospitals

September 15, 2022, United Kingdom

A Scottish politician, John Mason, has been disciplined by party leaders at Holyrood after he showed support for pro-life activism outside hospitals. He was sent a written warning and was accused of causing women “great distress” for his remarks on abortion and buffer zones outside clinics. The news was reported recently on the 15. September.

Legal Expert: Scotland Legislator's Planned Buffer Zones Would Ignore Fundamental Rights

September 14, 2022, United Kingdom

Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister of Scotland, has pronounced in favor of the legislation meant to limit pro-life activity around abortion clinics, which could lead to the creation of abortion clinic "buffer zones" across Scotland. The First Minister suggested that pro-life groups could protest in front of the Scottish parliament instead of gathering outside abortion clinics. A legal counsel for ADF UK, Mr. Igunnubole, warns that such laws do not possess a "reasonable excuse" to ignore basic tenets of the rule of law, such as Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly.

Leeds City Council Accuses Street Preachers of Using Hate Speech and Homophobic Language

September 5, 2022, United Kingdom

In the city of Leeds, members of society raised concerns, claiming that street preachers in the city center are using hate speech and homophobic language. The local council, together with the Police have now issued a new "code of conduct", in which they tell preachers that they respect their freedom of expression, but also recognise that it may be limited to "prevent disorder or crime".

Fr. Bernard Considered a "Risk to Children" by Church of England for Stating Biblical Teachings

September 4, 2022, United Kingdom

Rev Dr. Bernard Randall is a Christian chaplain who was reported to a terrorist watchdog by the school he worked at, after giving a sermon addressing the new LGBT Guidelines and telling his pupils it was ok to make up their own minds, as long as they remain respectful towards other's opinions. He is now facing a high-profile Employment Tribunal hearing and has even been blacklisted as a safeguarding risk to children by the Church of England (CofE). Dr. Randall says he was interrogated and told that refusing to capitulate to the allegation and denying his beliefs made him a risk. The diocese safeguarding team concluded ‘the Church itself is a risk factor.’

Russia: Government Pressure on Religious Leaders to Support War

August 2, 2022, Russia

The Russian government has been pressuring religious leaders to support Putin's invasion of Ukraine, using tactics such as warning, prosecuting, and fining the believers and leaders who publicly voiced that they oppose the war. From the beginning of the Russian invasion, between February 24 and the 20th of July, 16,380 people were detained for speaking out against the war in public protests, in publications on the internet, and in other demonstrations of protest. Between March 5 and July 14, there were 3,303 cases opened under the new Administrative Code Article 20.3.3, which criminalizes "Public actions aimed at discrediting the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", and is used to punish any form of "anti-war statements either in public spaces or online".

Update: Grandmother Fined for Praying on the Street Wins Her Appeal

July 18, 2022, United Kingdom

Rosa Lalor, who on the 24th of February of 2021 was fined for praying silently on the public street, and later decided to challenge the sanction, won her appeal. At the time, the police considered that she did not have a "reasonable excuse" to be outside, even though she explained that she was simply "walking and praying" and that daily exercise was allowed. She received a fine of £200 and was then detained in the police car. Rosa Lalor decided to challenge the fine, with the help of ADF UK and won the case in court.

Mayoral Candidate Fired for Voicing Christian Beliefs

July 18, 2022, United Kingdom

A Christian mayoral candidate for Lewisham, Maureen Martin, has launched legal action after being sacked for her statement on Christian beliefs about marriage in her election manifesto. She was dismissed by her housing association employer L&Q for "gross misconduct" following three complaints of "hate speech" against her, as she expressed her belief that a marriage between a man and a woman was a "fundamental building block in society" and the "safest environment to raise a child".

Ukraine: Orthodox Priests Tortured By Russian Forces

July 16, 2022, Ukraine

Dymytrij Rudyuk, the Lviv Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OKU), accused the Russian army and the Moscow Patriarch Cyril of being responsible for torturing Ukrainian Orthodox priests. In an interview, he claimed that "the majority of OKU priests had to flee the Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. Those who stayed are often tortured. Five Orthodox priests were shot and a priest-monk was cruelly tortured to death".

Evangelical Church Signs Targeted By Vandals

July 16, 2022, Germany

The Protestant Gethsemane Church in Berlin-Prenzlauer-Berg was vandalised (again) by unknown perpetrators. The police announced on Thursday that unknown persons graffitied the display case at the church in Stargarder Straße in the night from 15 to 16 July and damaged several posters on various political topics. The police is looking for witnesses for the investigation. In the past, the church has repeatedly been the target of attacks in which, among other things, posters with political content were destroyed.

Free Evangelical Churches Appeal Against Ban On Baptisms In Public Beaches

July 11, 2022, Switzerland

Two free evangelical churches have appealed to the Geneva Court due to the denial of their requests to perform baptisms on public beaches. On July 8, the Swiss canton of Geneva banned baptisms organized by evangelical churches in Lake Geneva, but the same baptisms are allowed in Vaud, an area that covers the northern shore of the Lake. The Swiss Evangelical Alliance wrote in a media release that they were shocked that Geneva, the human rights capital, would take such a "restrictive and exclusionary approach to religious freedom".

Spain: First Fines For Praying Outside Abortion Clinics

July 7, 2022, Spain

After the law that criminalizes pro-life activism outside abortion clinics entered into force, the first fines have been issued. One of the fined people was a woman that claims to have received a letter from the Government Delegation, stating that she was fined 600 euros for allegedly "organizing an illegal gathering". A young man also received a fine of 600 euros simply for praying the Rosary on his knees outside an abortion facility. The Christian Lawyers have promptly offered legal assistance to these people, claiming they intend to fight these accusations in court and have no intention of paying the fines.

Calls For Buffer Zone at Abortion Clinic in Bournemouth

June 28, 2022, United Kingdom

The abortion clinic in Bournemouth has been calling for a buffer zone around the facility, due to the daily vigils outside the clinic that have been taking place over the years, in order to prevent pro-life protesters from approaching the women going to the clinic, as well as the staff that works there. Rachel Clarke, from the mentioned clinic, said "[Bournemouth] is one of the worst-hit clinics in the country". A buffer zone could undermine the freedom of assembly and freedom of speech of pro-life activists.

Spain: "Trans Law" Approved, Restricts Parental Rights and Free Speech

June 27, 2022, Spain

On the 27th of June, the Spanish Cabinet approved the so-called 'trans law', despite controversy. Now it goes to the Spanish Parliament "where an intense debate is expected". According to the government, the purpose of this law is "to advance in the depathologisation of transsexuality and gender self-determination". The law has been criticized, as it criminalizes content that questions the trans ideology, including anything that might be understood as "conversion therapy", and it undermines parental rights.

Evangelical Christian Preacher, Hatun Tash, arrested again at Speakers’ Corner

June 26, 2022, United Kingdom

The evangelical Christian preacher and member of the Free Speech Union, Hatun Tash, was arrested on the 26th of June, at Speakers’ Corner. It was her third arrest in two years. Apparently, she was dragged by a group of police officers, who took her to the police station, "strip-searched, interviewed, kept overnight in a cell and then released without charge". She was released the next day, interestingly, on the 150th anniversary of Speakers’ Corner.

Four Ukrainian Churches Harassed and Forced to Close by Russian Soldiers

June 12, 2022, Ukraine

Between June 12 and 16, four Protestant Churches were harassed in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine, by soldiers and officials. Three of the churches are located in the Donetsk region - Central Baptist Church, the Church of Christ the Saviour in Mariupol, and a church in Manhush - and the other one is a church in Vasilievka in the Zaporizhia region. According to Dr. Hyun Sook Foley, representative of the Voice of the Martyrs Korea, officials conducted searches in these churches, demanded to see documents, confiscated equipment, and even forced church members to exit the building.

Spain: Bishop called Homophobic and Insulted for Defending Life and Family

June 5, 2022, Spain

Bishop Santiago Gómez Sierra of Huelva spoke in a Mass on Pentecost Sunday and reminded Catholics of the importance of upholding the values of life and family when they vote in the upcoming election. He said that he was not trying to enforce anything but rather encourage "moral principles" that "should be above the different party strategies because they are issues required by reason, natural law, and true humanism.” For this speech, he was accused by left-leaning media and politicians of being homophobic and attacking "rights won by the left."

Student Pro-Life Group Launches Petition after Being Rejected from 6 Universities

May 31, 2022, Germany

The group "Pro-Life Europe" has launched a petition to be admitted at the University of Regensburg. Since 2020, they have been refused a place in 6 universities in German speaking countries; a serious challenge to freedom of speech. In 2021, the students tried to be accepted as a group at the University of Regensburg to discuss the topic of abortion with scientific approaches. Despite asking three times and complying with the guidelines, they were rejected without reason; while other groups were given full support. Similar opposition was met at other universities including TU Munich, the University of Wuppertal, the University of Augsburg, the Johannes Kepler University , and the University of Vienna which denied them a stand. The organization is not religious, but many belonging students identify as Christians and are representative of religious groups with similar opinions.

Member of Scottish Parliament Launched Bill for Censorship Zones Around Abortion Clinics

May 20, 2022, United Kingdom

Gillian Mackay, an MSP for the Green Party, "initiated a public consultation on the Bill" that would allow a 2-year sentence to be assigned to someone who "attempts to influence or persuade someone seeking an abortion inside censorship zones," reported "RighttoLife" News. Some claim, there has been a rise in incidents outside abortion clinics involving pro-life activists, but Robert Colquhoun, the campaign director for "40 Days for Life", disagreed saying that it was actually just increased media attention that made it seem so. The introduction of such zones would negatively impact Christians who often attend such vigils due to their biblically based pro-life belief.

Scottish Ministers Criticized for Seeking Dialogue Between Pro-life and Pro-Choice Groups

April 27, 2022, United Kingdom

Scottish ministers said they plan to explore options of mediation with pro-life activists regarding "buffer zones" around abortion clinics. According to minutes from an abortion "buffer zone" meeting in February, the Centre for Good Relations asked for engagement “with all interested parties, not just those who are directly involved with the conflict itself." The ministers were criticized for their plan which aims to understand “the issues and perspective from all sides."

76-year-old Grandmother Arrested for Praying Outside during Lockdown

April 13, 2022, United Kingdom

76-year-old Rosa Lalor was arrested on February 24th, 2021 as she did not have a "reasonable excuse" to be outside at the time. This was despite her explaining to the police officer that she was "walking and praying," and daily exercise was allowed. The officer accused her of not praying in a house of worship and fined her £200 after detaining her in a police car. She challenged this fine and has taken it to court with the help of ADF UK.

Finnish Prosecutors Appealed Päivi Räsänen Case

April 10, 2022, Finland

After the Helsinki District Court disregarded all charges against the Finnish politician Päivi Räsänen on March 30th, the prosecutor has filed an appeal. Räsänen said “I had hoped that the prosecutors would have settled for this ruling … [But] I am ready to defend freedom of speech and religion in all necessary courts, also in the European Court of Human Rights.” Bishop Juhana Pohjola of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland was also prosecuted for distributing a pamphlet that Räsänen wrote regarding the Bible's views on gender and marriage.

Twitter Bans Spanish Deputy for Writing "Amen" in Support of the Holy Week

April 8, 2022, Spain

Twitter censored the deputy of the VOX party in Spain, Víctor Manuel Sánchez del Real, for writing "Amen" and the cry "Long live Christ the King", in support of the Holy Week. The social network considered that the deputy's publications did not comply with Twitter's rules, by "publishing private information" and demanded that he deleted it in order to unlock his account.

Spanish PSOE Law Criminalizes Pro-Life Prayer Groups Outside Abortion Facilities

April 6, 2022, Spain

On the 6th of April, the Spanish Senate approved an alteration to the Penal Code, in order to "punish the harassment and intimidation of anti-abortion activists of women who go to clinics to voluntarily interrupt their pregnancy". This modification, which could lead to 3 months up to 1 year of imprisonment, was endorsed by the Socialist Party of Pedro Sánchez, the Prime Minister. It was approved by Congress and enters into force when published in the Official State Gazette.

Pro-Life Catholics Praying Outside Abortion Facilities Faced Abuse

April 2, 2022, Spain

On the 2nd of April, young people and families were harassed by activists and feminists, while praying outside the Askabide abortion clinic in San Sebastian. They were praying the rosary on their knees, with a megaphone, under the motto "praying is not a crime" and carried a cross and an image of the Virgin. Tensions started to build up as protesters began harassing, censoring, and insulting the pro-life group. The police from Ertzaintza had to intervene in order to prevent attacks against the people praying.

Update: Finnish Court Upholds Free Speech in Major Trial

March 30, 2022, Finland

On March 30th, the Helsinki District Court unanimously dismissed all charges against MP Päivi Räsänen and Bishop Juhana Pohjola in a major freedom of speech victory. Päivi Räsänen was prosecuted for sharing her faith based beliefs on marriage in a tweet, and Juhana Pohjola had published a pamphlet, by Räsänen containing these beliefs, 17 years earlier. The ruling of this high-profile case stated that “it is not for the district court to interpret biblical concepts," ordered the prosecution to pay the legal costs of 60,000 EUR, and gave the prosecution seven days to appeal.

WEA Advocacy Officer Challenged Greece's Proselytism Ban

March 23, 2022, Greece

During the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review of Greece on April 23rd, a World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Advocacy Officer, denounced the Greek law which prohibits proselytization. This law prevents Christian religions or otherwise, from attempting to undermine the religious beliefs of others. Although rarely applied, this law could hinder religious discourse and a Pentecostal was sentenced using this law.

Pastor Arrested in Mariupol, Ukraine

March 21, 2022, Ukraine

Release International has reported that Alexsander Glushko, the pastor of the Light of the World Evangelical Church of Mariupol, has been arrested by the Russian military. He was believed to have been taken to Dokuchaevsk, which is close to Donetsk, but no further information has been given about his wellbeing. Other pastors homes near Mariupol have been searched and the "hunt for pastors has begun in areas now under Russian control."

No Evidence to Justify Oxford College's Cancellation of Wilberforce Academy

March 21, 2022, United Kingdom

An independent investigation found that there was no substantial evidence for Worcester College's apology and cancellation of the Wilberforce Academy in September of 2021. After hosting this Christian youth conference that seeks to uphold free and considerate debate about controversial issues, this Oxford College said it had received "a number of complaints" and would not hold the event next year. Christian Concern inquired about these complaints, which they had heard nothing of, and upon getting little response, instigated their own investigation.