All cases

Church CCTV Damaged by Vandals

August 17, 2018, United Kingdom

Vandals damaged a CCTV camera from St. Mark's Parish Church in Raploch just one day after it was installed. The church had been subject to repeated acts of vandalism and a couple of CCTV cameras were installed in order to deter anti-social behavior. While one camera was damaged, the other cameras were already doing their job as they identified those responsible for the incident, enabling the police to trace them and take action.

Tourist Information for Italian Church Destroyed

August 16, 2018, Italy

Tourist information that explains the history of the Greek church of Santa Maria degli Angeli was knocked down and torn from the sidewalk. The church has repeatedly been subjected to acts of vandalism.

Bishop of Liège Threatened and Robbed at Home

August 15, 2018, Belgium

During the night between the 14th to the 15th of August, thieves broke into the bishop's home through a toilet window on the ground floor. They assaulted both Bishop Jean-Pierre Delville as well as his godson who was also present in the house. They demanded cash, believing that the money collected from the churches was kept there. Having no cash in the house, the bishop and his godson had to resort to the money the godson had kept saved up for a trip abroad. They further asked for gold and valuable paintings, a Picasso in particular. The bishop gave them three chalices and pointed them towards four pieces of art from the 17th century that decorated the council chamber. After hitting one of the victims and threatening to kill them, they locked the bishop and his godson in a bathroom, where they were found the next morning. The thieves were described as "masked and professional" and explained they needed money to cure the 5-year-old daughter of one of them. They spoke German, as well as an unidentified foreign language and only spoke French poorly. The damage has been estimated to amount to 20 000 euros. An investigation is ongoing.

Vue Cinemas Breached Contract by Refusing to Screen 'Voices of the Silenced'

August 15, 2018, United Kingdom

After Vue Cinemas cancelled the screening of the film 'Voices of the Silenced' at the last minute in February, the film's producers launched a legal challenge against Vue. In August, Vue agreed to pay a nominal amount for breaching the contract. A spokesperson from Vue has said, however, that they stand by their decision of not screening the movie as it was "in direct conflict with its values." 'Voices of the Silenced' is a film by Christian organization Core Issues Trust about people who have left behind same-sex attraction practices.

Man Arrested for Defacing Church

August 15, 2018, United Kingdom

A man was arrested after spraying graffiti on several buildings in Andover including St. Mary's Church where the anarchist symbol was painted on the church door and the number 666 was left in red on the steps outside. The incident is suspected to have taken place some time between the 8th of August and the early hours of the 10th of August.

Leftists Attack Group for Wearing Catholic University T-Shirts

August 14, 2018, Spain

On August 18th, national police arrested two members of an extreme left group for assaulting a group of young people because they did not like the T-shirts they wore, namely the shirts of the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia. The incident occurred in one of the pubs in area of the university a few days earlier. The victims were first insulted, then threatened, and were finally attacked. One of the victims received stitches, suffering an ocular hemorrhage. The 19 and 28-year-old perpetrators from Spain and Brazil were identified by photographs and were already known to the police for their membership in ultra-left groups. They were charged with crimes against fundamental rights (hate crimes) and injuries.

Arson Attack on Church in Rosolini

August 11, 2018, Italy

During night from the 10th to the 11th of August a fire was set in the church of Santa Caterina da Siena. The back of the church structure was set on fire and the flames penetrated into the warehouse where plastic caps which were collected for the charity project "Stappiao la speranza" were stored. More than 1,000 kilos of the caps went up in smoke and there was serious damage done to the church. The funds resulting from the project were to be sent to the twin parish Butembo Beni in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The incident left the church perplexed and the Mayor and Prime Minister expressed their solidarity. The incident was reported to the police.

Man Arrested for Vandalism at Guernsey Church

August 10, 2018, United Kingdom

An 18-year-old man was arrested for vandalizing St. John's Church in St. Peter Port on Guernsey. The church had been smeared with graffiti and notes with 'obscene' messages of 'religious hate' were left. The incident left the vicar and churchgoers upset. The police began an investigation.

Sacristy Broken into and Robbed in Carville

August 9, 2018, France

The sacristy of the church of Carville (Calvados) was robbed and various objects were stolen including candle sticks. The wooden door to the sacristy was broken. A complaint was filed with the police. 

Christ Statue Defaced

August 9, 2018, France

A public statue of Christ in Thonon-les-Bains was vandalized, with its face completely covered with black paint.

No Syrian Christian Refugees Admitted in First Quarter 2018; Lord Alton Queries Home Secretary

August 7, 2018, United Kingdom

Not a single Christian was among the 1,112 Syrian refugees resettled in the UK in the first three months of 2018. In response to a Freedom of Information request from Barnabas Fund, the UK Home Office released figures on Syrian refugees resettled in the UK for the first quarter of 2018. The UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) recommended 1,358 Syrian refugees for resettlement in the UK of which only 4 were Christians, representing a tiny fraction of just 0.29%. No Yazidis at all were recommended by the UN. The Home Office agreed to resettle 1,112 of these (82%), all of whom were Muslims, and approved no Christians.

Fire Set to Syrian Orthodox Church in Norrköping

August 6, 2018, Sweden

St. Maria's Syrian Orthodox Church in Norrköping began to burn just after 2am on 6th of August. When rescue services arrived at the scene, there were open flames across the facade of the wooden church. 30 firemen from seven stations were able to get the fire under control by 3.40am. The police came to the conclusion that the fire was the result of arson when a fire dog found a flammable liquid on the scene, which technicians confirmed. The church was heavily damaged and it will take some time for it to be renovated. Members of the church, to which 1100 people belong, were upset and shocked. Police are searching for the perpetrator.

"KISS" Graffiti on Facade of Santiago de Compostela Cathedral

August 6, 2018, Spain

A 12th century sculpture on the facade of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela was painted to make the statue look like a member of American rock band KISS. The name "KISS" was also written across the body of the statue. The marble statue was restored the same afternoon and the police started looking for the perpetrator who, if found guilty, would face a fine of between 6,000 and 150,000 euros.

The chapel Notre-Dame-des Affligés vandalised

August 6, 2018, France

The chapel had been vandalised before, but not damaged to the same degree it was on August 6th. The broken door was found in the neighbouring pasture, many statues were broken, some even crumbled, the wooden base of the Virgin Mary was damaged, chairs and vases were broken, the interior walls were marred. The police has stated that " in the view of the law, it is more religious desecration than vandalism". They have started an investigation. The door has been repaired by people of good will and put back in its place. Concerning the broken statues, the ARARCO association has been contacted to evaluate the finances necessary to restore the chapel. The people responsible for the church have said that if the amount of finances needed is large, a call for donations will be launched on the internet. Many people affected by this act of vandalism have offered to give them statues and vases to bring the small chapel back to life.

Four Fires Set in Saint-Pierre de Neuilly

August 5, 2018, France

On the 5th of August Four fires were started in the parish church Saint-Pierre in Neuilly-sur-Seine at about 2:30 in the afternoon. They were noticed by two people who had been waiting for the bus on the Avenue du Roule but had entered the church to cool down. They smelled smoke and found fires at four different locations near the entrance. The passersby rushed to extinguish the flames with water to keep the fire from spreading. Fourteen firemen with three engines were called to the site. The perpetrators had started the fires by setting flames to flyers and a prayer book. They had also left a piece of paper on a candle at the foot of a statue. No material damage was caused. The parish filed a complaint and the police started an investigation.

Jewelry Dedicated to the Virgin Mary Stolen from Church

August 5, 2018, Italy

The Church of Corlo di Formigine was robbed during the night between the 4th and 5th of August. The thieves took advantage of village celebration of the feast of la Madonna della Neve to steal golden chains, bracelets, and rings that had been donated by the faithful as a pledge to the Virgin Mary over the years. The jewelry was kept inside the reliquary which protects the fresco of the Virgin Mary and had been displayed in the church for the occasion of the festival. This act of vandalism has left the community upset.

Figure of Virgin Mary Damaged in Important Marian Shrine

August 3, 2018, Poland

The statue of the Virgin Mary in the small Shrine of Our Lady - the Teacher of Young People in Warsaw-Sierkierki was destroyed by vandals some time between August 2nd and 3rd. The perpetrators opened the glass case which protects the statue and damaged the statue. The shrine is important because of the Marian apparitions that appeared in the Siekierki region between 1943 and 1949. Police began an investigation and the parish held a reparation Mass for the vandalism and prayed for the conversion of the perpetrators.

Vandal damages outdoor furniture of church Santa Corce in Villaseta

August 1, 2018, Italy

A vandal went on a rampage outside the church of Santa Corce in Villaseta, a district of Agrigento. He broke pots of plants placed around the statue of Padre Pio and other outdoor furniture. He tried to enter the church where dozens of faithful had taken refuge. The vandal himslef hurt himself during his escalation and even left traces of blood scattered on the floor. The parishioners themselves called the police. An investigation was started and footage from surveillance cameras retrieved. The police believe it was a fifty-year-old from the area.

Catholic Politician's Home Targeted with Vandalism

August 1, 2018, United Kingdom

Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg's Somerset home was vandalized with graffiti, condoms were hung on a small cross in the garden, and a sex toy covered with a condom was stuck on a car. While the politician has been controversial for his support for Brexit, media reports indicate that police suspect the sexual items were meant to target Rees-Mogg's Catholic faith and opposition to birth control.

Theft from Freto Church

July 30, 2018, Italy

Just a few days after a theft from the cathedral in Modena, two people, taking advantage of a deactivated alarm in the small church in Freto (Modena), stole a marble baptismal font. Although the theft was captured on surveillance cameras, the identity of the thieves was unclear. This was not the first theft from the isolated church and the nearby cemetery. The residents of the area were upset by the theft from the church.

Repeated Vandalism at Chiesa del Calvario

July 30, 2018, Italy

For the third summer in a row, unknown vandals broke into the ancient Chiesa del Calvario and destroyed objects. This year, they broke the hands of a 16th century statue of the Madonna and destroyed a second statue. The parish priest said the Catholic community was "horrified by vandalism towards statues of the Madonna, as well as the disfigurement of the heritage of the religious site." He called upon officials to investigate and take action to protect the site.

Man Vandalized Churches, then Fired Gun at Witness

July 30, 2018, Poland

A man was observed vandalizing two churches in Krakow with paint by a passerby. When the passerby tried to intervene, the man fled the scene. The man then returned with a gas pistol which he shot at the witness, but the witness was able to overpower the attacker and called the police. The man was charged with possession of an illegal weapon, as well as damage to the churches.

Elda Hospital Chapel Desecrated

July 28, 2018, Spain

At about 10pm on Saturday the 28th of July 2018, vandals broke open the tabernacle of the chapel of the Virgen de la Salud Hospital in Elda (Alicante) and stole the ciborium with the consecrated hosts. The ciborium was later found in the parking lot and the consecrated hosts were scattered around the entrance area of the hospital. Some were found lying on the sidewalk and trampled. The parishes in the area held acts of reparation for the desecration and to pray for the conversion of perpetrators. The police began an investigation.

"Offensive" Christian Symbols being Hidden at Funerals in Scotland

July 27, 2018, United Kingdom

The Scottish Inspector of Crematoria, Robert Swanson, said in his annual report that demands for the removal of Bibles and crosses by humanists and other minorities are on the rise. The Humanist Society of Scotland has said failure to remove Christian symbols leaves their members “open to discrimination” under the Equality Act.

Fire in Church; "Allahu Akbar" Sprayed on Walls

July 25, 2018, France

A fire was set in the church Saint-Pierre du Matroi in Orléans on the 25th of July. Sheet music was burned, furniture was damaged, and smears of graffiti were found on several walls, including one reading "Allahu Akbar." The fire brigade was able to intervene early enough to prevent further spread of the fire, thus preserving the support structure of the church. The police believe the fire was intentionally set.

Stones Stolen from Statue in Cathedral

July 25, 2018, Italy

Unknown thieves, likely taking advantage of renovation works, removed a protective case and stole stones from the pastoral cross on the ancient wooden statue of San Geminiano in the Duomo of Modena. While the stones have very little monetary value, they have tremendous historical value and the statue is sacred to the community because San Geminiano is the patron saint of Modena. The theft has been called 'sacriligious' and offensive to the religious feelings of the church and the entire city. Police began a forensic investigation.

Vandals Ransacked Church; Apologized to Priest

July 23, 2018, Spain

In the early hours of July 23rd, two young men broke into the town church of Adrados and destroyed everything they could, causing extensive damage -- up to €30,000. Shelves, books, and even the altar were tipped over, and paintings and figures were badly damaged. The Diocese of León filed a complaint with the Civil Guard, which immediately opened an investigation that focused on several young people who were in the mountain town that night. The perpetrators were identified and they "asked for forgiveness although they are aware of the consequences that resulted from their prank," according to the parish priest.

Robbery of Saint-Pierre d'Equainville

July 21, 2018, France

During the night between the 20th and the 21st of July 2018 the church Saint-Pierre d'Equainville, in the parish of Beuzeville, was robbed. The offenders entered by the sacristy door and stole everything that was of value: liturgical objects and candle holders. They rummaged through everything and scattered unconsecrated Hosts in the sacristy. Finally, they broke the tabernacle and stole the ciborium filled with consecrated Hosts. A complaint was filed and the police came to investigate.

Desecration and Vandalism in Chiesa di San Clemente in Latera

July 21, 2018, Italy

Sometime in the morning of July 21st, vandals entered the San Clemente church and threw holy water to the ground, scattered the cloth and liturgical object from the altar, and left feces underneath the altar table. Police immediately began an investigation.

Series of Sacred Figures Destroyed in Andria

July 21, 2018, Italy

An Italian citizen was arrested after being caught in the act of destroying the glass of the votive chapel of Cristo Redentore. He was also accused of vandalizing a statue of the Virgin Mary and another sacred figure “Madonna of Altomare,” as well as breaking the head, arms, and legs of a public statue of the crucifixion of Jesus. Luigi Mansi, Bishop of Andria said, “The way in which the statue has been destroyed causes in me and in all the priests immense sadness: the head has been torn off, broken legs and arms; only one piece of the body remained attached to the cross.”

Statue of Virgin and Child Vandalized in Sulniac, Morbihan

July 20, 2018, France

The gate protecting the oratory was torn off and the statue was toppled, causing damage.

University Fired Priest after Rosary of Reparation for Glasglow Pride Parade

July 19, 2018, United Kingdom

A Catholic priest in Glasgow has been removed as a university chaplain after hosting a rosary of reparation for the city’s gay pride parade. The July 16 Rosary service was held in response to a gay pride event in the city on July 14. After complaints from LGBT groups, University principal Pamela Gillies announced that “Following due consultation, Father Mark Morris will not return to his chaplaincy role at the university in September,” the BBC reported.

Crucifix in Mountain Hut Vandalized

July 19, 2018, France

A hiker in Wihr-au-Val in Alsace discovered an act of vandalism in the Krizle wooden hut located at an altitude of 688 m, at the crossroads of five hiking trails. The hiker reported that the carved wooden crucifix with a metal Christ had been desecrated, with the arms and legs broken off.

Theft of Crucifix from Altar

July 19, 2018, Germany

The crucifix standing in the middle of the altar of St. Michael's Church in Lüneburg was stolen by unknown persons during the public visiting time of the church between 3 pm and 5 pm. There was a damage of several thousand euros.

Theft from Church Crypt in Hythe, Kent

July 16, 2018, United Kingdom

Thieves broke a lock and stole 21 ancient skulls from the ossuary crypt of St. Leonard's Church in Kent sometime between July 15th and 16th. The church, known as the "church with the bones" houses the largest bone collection in the UK, including 700 year old remains of the people who died in the Battle of Hastings.

Vicar of Oyonnax Parish Assaulted

July 15, 2018, France

A priest was assaulted after trying to calm a group of young people who were attacking customers who were celebrating the French World Cup victory in an outdoor cafe.

Church Window Vandalized

July 15, 2018, United Kingdom

Unknown vandals threw concrete through the window of St James the Great Church causing £500 worth of damage.

Church Vandalized in Bouloire

July 15, 2018, France

On the morning of July 15th, the church of Saint-Georges in Bouloire, served by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter ( FSSP ) was discovered vandalized. Father Thomas Leclair reported, "Sunday morning [July 15] we discovered a missal in the holy water, in addition the wooden column on which the trunk for of the sale of the candles was fixed had been broken (surely to steal the trunk), devotional candles were broken, and a liturgical cloth was found partially burned in the hole made in the column. A complaint was lodged with the gendarmerie. Identical acts had been recorded in November 2016 and the town hall had not wished to lodge a complaint."

Fire and Vandalism at Village Church

July 14, 2018, Germany

Unknown vandals set a small fire and destroyed several items in the village church in Rigersdorf, prompting local volunteer fire departments to respond with six fire engines. The damage amounted to several hundred euros.

Man with Knife on Metro screamed "I target all Catholics"

July 14, 2018, France

A man caused panic in the Paris metro on July 14th when he threatened the passengers with a knife, screaming "I am a Muslim and I target all Catholics." The police took the 23-year-old Egyptian "Emad F." into custody.

Bus Company Pulls Adverts for Franklin Graham Event

July 12, 2018, United Kingdom

Bus ads promoting the September 2018 Franklin Graham "Lancashire Festival of Hope" at Winter Gardens Blackpool were pulled in response to criticism from LGBT communities. Graham, like many evangelicals, preaches the biblical definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman.

Graffiti on Pillar of Warsaw Church

July 12, 2018, Poland

The pillar of the All Saints Church (Kościół Wszystkich Świętych) was vandalized with graffiti some time between July 12th and 13th. The same church had been vandalized about two weeks earlier and police began an investigation.

Romanesque Church Vandalized

July 11, 2018, Spain

The facade of the San Millán church in the city center of Segovia was sprayed with green paint by unknown vandals.

Suspicious Fire at Chêne de la Vierge

July 11, 2018, France

A fire destroyed the Chêne de la Vierge (the "Oak to the Virgin"), a popular place of pilgrimage and devotion, on July 11th. The tree, which had been covered with statues, crosses, rosaries, and small shrines to the Virgin Mary was ravaged by a fire. The fire was reported to be suspicious because there had been no reports of lightning in the area, and this tree was the only one in the forest to have been burned.

300 Year Old Sandstone Crucifix Damaged and Stolen

July 10, 2018, Germany

Sometime between July 8th and 10th unknown perpetrators smashed the "Hansenkreuz" with an object heavy enough to break the cross from its base and stole the sandstone crucifix, leaving only fragments behind. The Hansenkreuz had been standing at a crossroads in Dierscheid in the forest area of Kellerberg for 300 years. Police opened an investigation.

Confessionals and a Stoup Vandalized with Ink in Płońsk

July 9, 2018, Poland

Police arrested a 59-year-old man after CCTV cameras caught him pouring ink in two confessionals and a stoup (a basin for holy water) in the parish of Michała Archanioła. Damage was estimated at PLN 1,000.

Parish Priest Closed Church after Finding Urine in Holy Water

July 9, 2018, Italy

After discovering urine in the holy water in the Chiesa Santa Croce (better known as "Chiesa dei Morti” or "church of the dead") in Canneto Sull'Oglio, the parish priest decided to close the church for a few days. The church is a sacred place for the local community, as the walls of the church have been covered with photos, plaques, and headstones of deceased loved ones since 1630.

Door of Nativity Church burnt

July 9, 2018, Italy

The door of the nativity church at Villa Muti in Frascati, near Rome, was burnt.

Vandalism and Desecration at Madrid Church

July 9, 2018, Spain

The church of San Bartolomeo in the municipality of Fresnedillas de la Oliva was robbed and desecrated. The intruders tore the tabernacle off the wall and threw it to the ground, left sacred objects scattered on the floor and stole the money from the offering boxes. The sacristy and the catechism rooms were ransacked. The ciborium containing consecrated Hosts was overturned and the contents were scattered on the floor. The incident was reported to the police and the Archbishop of Madrid scheduled a Reparation Mass.

Fire at Base of San Pio da Pietralcina in Frascati

July 8, 2018, Italy

Someone set fire to the base of the bronze statue of San Pio da Pietralcina in Frascati, near Rome, which blackened the feet of the statue of the saint. The police started an investigation.

Confessionals Burnt in Cathedral

July 8, 2018, Italy

A 58-year old man from the area set fire in one of the four confessionals of St. Peter's Cathedral in Frascati, near Rome, by igniting the padded seat. The perpetrator was caught due to the footage of 12 surveillance cameras in the cathedral. The man was described as mentally disturbed and was known for vandalizing places of worship in the past. He was arrested by the local police for arson and damaging a place of worship.

Government Fired Doctor for View that Gender is Determined by Biology

July 8, 2018, United Kingdom

Dr David Mackereth was deemed "unfit" to work as an assessor at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) over his refusal to use transgender patient's preferred pronouns because of his view that gender is defined by biology and that God made humans male and female. The Equality Act identifies those undergo or who propose to undergo gender reassignment as part of a protected class. Failure to use preferred pronouns is interpreted as unlawful discrimination.

Priest Assaulted and Spat on during 'Orange Walk'

July 7, 2018, United Kingdom

Catholic priest Tom White was spat on twice as he greeting parishioners outside St. Alphonsus' Church after Mass at the same time that an 'Orange Walk,' a procession by a Protestant fraternal order, passed by. He was also hit with a baton and verbally abused. A spokesperson for the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland has said that no one from the parade was involved. Police Scotland, who had been guarding the church but were called away before the parade passed by, began a hate crime investigation.

Church Door Set on Fire and Public Cross Toppled

July 6, 2018, Italy

The door of the church Madonna della Cona in Piazza Battisti in Castel Gandolfo was set on fire during the night and the cross which stood in the square was toppled. Although the church has been deconsecrated, city authorities expressed concern about a series of destructive acts directed at Christian churches and symbols in the area.

Graffiti Sprayed on Town Church

July 6, 2018, United Kingdom

Vandals sprayed "YNWA", "truth", and "greed" on the historic St. Nicholas Church. The reverend called it "disrespectful" and said people were upset about the damage. She said that although youths had been congregating in the area for some time, and leaving garbage in the churchyard, this was first time they caused damage to the building.

Degradations at the Church of la Collégiale Saint-Barnard

July 5, 2018, France

On the afternoon of July 5th, damage was discovered in the historic Collegiate Church of Saint-Barnard in the old center of Romans-sur-Isère. The cover of the baptismal font had been broken and found on the ground, and the finger of a statue of Saint John the Baptist was also broken. Police investigated.

Village and Church Tagged with Graffiti

July 5, 2018, France

Sometime during the night of July 5th, buildings in the small town of Saint-Alban-d'Ay were targeted with vandalism with anarchist and communist slogans in red and black paint. The church facade was sprayed with offensive slogans and the interior was ransacked.

Religious Flags Torn Down at "Campus of Religions"

July 4, 2018, Austria

Unknown vandals tore down the flags of the New Apostolic Church and the Vienna Jewish Community at the construction site for a "Campus of Religions" in the new housing complex 'Seestadt' in Aspern. The campus is supposed to become a place where different religions can coexist and meet each other peacefully. It is not the first time the site has been subject to vandalism. The Israeli flag had been attacked twice before, once at the start of the construction in 2015 and again in May 2018. Religious leaders of different Christian denominations have expressed their outrage about the act. The police began an investigation.

Demand for Apology after President of National Assembly Mentions God

July 3, 2018, Slovenia

A left-wing member of the National Assembly, Franc Trček, demanded an apology from Matej Tonin, the President of the National Assembly, for concluding a speech with the words "Bog živi Slovenijo," which can roughly be translated to "God bless Slovenia." Trček argued that the words violated the constitution of Slovenia which requires a separation of church and state. Tonin responded that he had no intention of apologizing and that the constitution also protects freedom of speech.

Activist Graffiti found on Church Properties in Poland

July 3, 2018, Poland

Graffiti was found on several church buildings in the wake of a discussion on stricter abortion legislation by the Polish parliament. The spray-painted slogans included “Behold my body, behold my blood, buzz off”; “women-murderers” and “We remember Rwanda.” The three damaged buildings included the curial offices of the Archdiocese of Warsaw, the rectory of the Church of St. John the Baptist, and the curial offices of the Diocese of Warsaw-Praga.

Statue Vandalized and Satanic Inscriptions Left in Church

July 3, 2018, France

A priest discovered that statues in the nave of the church of Saint Jean-Baptiste de Bourgoin-Jallieu had been vandalized and that satanic inscriptions were left defacing a prayer book. The police were notified and opened an investigation.

Door Set on Fire and Graffiti in Primary School Church: "I smell Christians"

July 2, 2018, Italy

An unknown vandal set fire to the entrance door to the church of the nursery/primary school institute Paul VI in Castel Gandolfo and wrote graffiti reading "I smell Christians" in Norwegian. A complaint was filed and the police began an investigation.

High Court Upholds "Buffer Zones" around Abortion Clinic; Appeal Filed

July 2, 2018, United Kingdom

The High Court of England and Wales upheld a “buffer zone” imposed by Ealing Council, west London, around a Marie Stopes abortion clinic. High Court Judge Mark Turner said that Ealing Council in London was justified in creating a 328-foot exclusion zone to prevent any pro-life gathering or speech, including prayer, within 100 meters of the clinic. Two women plan to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

Arson Attempt at Elche Basilica

June 30, 2018, Spain

An unknown person attempted to set fire to the Basilica of Santa Maria in Elche while Mass was being celebrated inside. By using paraffin from a chandelier, the perpetrator set a fire between two wooden doors. Fortunately a parishioner noticed the smoke and the flames could be smothered in time.

"Satan Punishes Homophobes" on Wall of Toulouse Chapel

June 30, 2018, France

Graffiti was discovered on the walls of the Saint-Roch-du-Férétra chapel in Toulouse. Slogans included "Church on fire", "Dirty priest" and "Satan punishes homophobes." An investigation has been started. It is suspected that the slogans were left by LGBT groups and anarchists.

Ex-President of Ireland calls Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality 'Evil'

June 29, 2018, Ireland

Mary McAleese, the former President of Ireland said that, in her view, the Church's teaching on homosexuality is "evil" and leads to homophobia which has caused people to commit suicide and live in "dark shadows." She said that the behaviour of the church towards the LGBT community was "unchristian" and "worse than uncharitable" and that the only person to change this is the pope.

Repeated Vandalism at Church in Forst

June 29, 2018, Germany

St Nikolai, the main church in Forst, was repeatedly vandalized. During several weeks in June 2018 the facade on the side of the church was chipped at until the perpetrators were able to pull away the paint coating. Countless graffiti and a hole in the wall were also found. In addition to that, 18 glass windows which are located in the doors to the tower entrance were smashed. The church was left with uninsured costs to repair the 10 square meteres of facade were estimated at 2,000 euros and a further 300 euros to repair the windows.

Coalition Withdraws CDU Candidate for Constitutional Court Due to Criticism of Sex Ed

June 29, 2018, Germany

Just days before the parliamentary vote on the election of a judge to the state constitutional court, the CDU, Greens, FDP and SSW withdrew their nomination of Hamburg lawyer and law professor Christian Winterhoff due to his conservative views on the sexual education of children.

Convictions in Czech Church Arson Case

June 28, 2018, Czech Republic

Three young men were convicted of arson for setting fire to the 16th century Božího Těla (Corpus Christi) church in Guty, Třinec. The regional court of Ostrava sentenced them to 9, 8, and 3.5 years in prison for setting fire to the church in August 2017. The Roman Catholic church had been listed as a cultural and historical monument and was among the oldest preserved wooden churches in the Czech Republic. The August 2017 fire caused damage of over 20 million korun. The historical value of the building and its artifacts, however, is not quantifiable.  

1 in 10 Gay Christians Report Discrimination by other LGBT People

June 28, 2018, United Kingdom

A report by the LGBT-rights organization Stonewall found that nearly 1 in 10 gay Christians have experienced bullying from other LGBT people because of their faith.

Two Fires Set in Neunkirchen Parish

June 27, 2018, Austria

An unknown person set fire to the tablecloth on the altar of the "Allerseelen" chapel in the church in Neunkirchen, but went out on its own. The incident was suspected to have happened just after the church opened as the priest noticed it and immediately reported the incident to the police. Two days later, a similar fire was set.

Theft and Vandalism for Weeks in French Cemetery

June 26, 2018, France

For several weeks, the Vallongue cemetery in the city of Bandol, was repeatedly vandalized and various objects were stolen. Relatives observed with dismay as plants, ceramics, figurines, and other decorative objects were disappearing.

Church Suffers Repeated Thefts and Vandalism

June 26, 2018, France

From the beginning of March until the end of June 2018, the alms box of church of Saint-Thomas-de-Cônac was repeatedly broken and emptied by unknown thieves. Despite new measures to prevent further thefts in the alms box, the perpetrators continued to attempt to get the money. In the end, after having installed a safe on the ground, the constant thefts were replaced with acts of vandalism: candles lit and broken on the floor, trash and papers thrown around, holy water spilled, and indecent comments written in the guestbook.

Fire in Chapel in Kolbermoor

June 25, 2018, Germany

On June 25th, unknown perpetrators set fire to a dry flower arrangement that decorated a monument to the fallen in a chapel of the Heilig Dreifaltigkeit church in Kolbermoor. The damage to the property, based on the Bad Aibling police inspection, was around 1500 euros.

Two Statues Destroyed at Church in Perrecy-les-Forges

June 24, 2018, France

Parishioners discovered two broken statues in the church of Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Benoît on Sunday morning, the 24th of June 2018. The statue of St. Paul had been destroyed and another had been decapitated. In addition to that, benches had been overturned, a door had been forced open, and a door lock had been broken.

Attack on Seven Iranian Christians in Greek Refugee Camp

June 24, 2018, Greece

On June 24th, in the middle of the night, a group of about 30-40 refugees attacked two Christian families along with another Christian man after they returned from a bible-reading. According to International Christian Consulate, "the attackers poured petrol over the cabin where they were meeting, and threatened to set it alight. They beat up the men and held knives to the throats of the two women and children, while telling them, ‘This is a Muslim camp. You have to leave’."

Madonna Image Vandalized in Legano

June 23, 2018, Italy

Unknown individuals used red spray paint to vandalize one of the bas-relief images of the Virgin Mary in the votive chapel on corner of one of the walls of the parish of Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù, between Via Canova and Via Resegone, in Legano.

Madonna of Piazza Europa Burnt

June 23, 2018, Italy

During the night of June 23rd, someone set fire to the Madonna in the Piazza Europa in Marino, near Rome, leaving it blackened with soot. Residents expressed outrage, as the statue is a symbol of the community and the police began an investigation.

Fire in Orthodox church in Bosnia Herzigovia

June 23, 2018, Bosnia and Herzegovina

A fire was lit inside the church of the Most Holy Mother of God in the high-rise settlement of the suburb Čekrekčije. Most objects of the church, including icons and sacred books were destroyed or burnt. The fire affected part of the roof structure and the main part of the throne was broken. The police has started an investigation. The church had been renovated over a period of two years and was consecrated in September 2017.

Vandals Hit a Church in Radevormwald

June 22, 2018, Germany

Unknown people entered the church of St. Marien in Radevormwald on June 22nd and disturbed various items, burned church newspapers in the baptismal font, and destroyed the Easter candle, which in addition to its religious symbolism, also had value of 100 euros.

Isle of Man Cathedral Vandalized

June 21, 2018, United Kingdom

On June 21st, police condemned a continuous wave of vandalism against the Peel Cathedral on the Isle of Man. A spokesman for the police said that vandals sprayed graffiti in different places around the cathedral over several days. A week earlier, a prominent sculpture was broken, and the lawn and other objects were damaged.

Arson in Church in Plappeville

June 21, 2018, France

The church of Sainte-Brigide de Plappeville (Moselle) suffered an arson attack on June 21st at 5:40 p.m. Firefighters reported two fires inside the church. After being arrested in the vicinity, two young men admitted entering the building by breaking some of the windows and setting fire to the altar cloth and the cabinet in which the books were kept.

Gang Robbed Nine Churches in Two Months

June 21, 2018, Spain

An organized gang stole from at least nine churches on the Island of Tenerife. The last incident occurred in the town of La Camella in the early hours of June 21, 2018. The perpetrators broke into the church, damaging the entrance door, and stole sacred objects and valuables worth at least 3000 euros. They were discovered by nuns who had been sleeping in rooms next door and had woken up when they heard a loud noise. The perpetrators fled the church and the incident was reported to the police. Local media suspected the robbery was carried out by the same gang that had attacked at least nine religious buildings on the island, including the church of San Mateo in Punta del Hidaglo, where they stole valuables worth 10,000 euros.

Fire Set in German Church

June 16, 2018, Germany

A parishioner found the remains of a fire already extinguished on the carpet of the church of St. Petrus in the town of Kirchweiler. According to the police, the unknown perpetrators set the fire between 8 am and 4:45 pm on June 16th. Material damage affected the carpet, a cloth, and a speaker wire.

Four Teenagers Caught Stealing in Church in Clermont-Ferrand

June 16, 2018, France

Four teenagers were caught by the police inside a church in Clermont-Ferrand stealing the box containing the alms on the night of June 16th.

Paint Thrown against Saint-Étienne Church in Mulhouse

June 15, 2018, France

An unknown person stained the main entrance of the Protestant church of Saint-Étienne in Mulhouse, France with white paint on June 15th in the afternoon.

Polish Supreme Court Rules against Printer; Tribunal Reversed in 2019

June 14, 2018, Poland

Poland's Supreme Court ruled against a printer who refused to create a roll-up banner for an LGBT business group because he did not want to "promote" the gay rights movement, citing his Catholic religious beliefs. The Court held that although there may be legally justifiable reasons to refuse services based on religious objections, in this case they did not apply. UPDATE: In June 2019, the Constitutional Tribunal ruled that the law the printer was convicted under was unconstitutional, because punishment for refusing to provide services on the grounds of beliefs interfered with the service providers’ rights to act according to their conscience.

Spain Fined UK Christian Television Broadcaster

June 14, 2018, Spain

The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) fined Revelation TV, which is based in the UK but broadcasts in Spain, €6,000 after an individual complained to the state agency about comments made by an evangelical pastor during a morning program in September 2017. The CNMC deemed the pastor's comments "homophobic" when he expressed his opinion about transgender issues and whether Christians should move their children from schools when another student identifies as transgender.

Theft and Vandalism in the Church of Bellecombe-Tarendol

June 13, 2018, France

During the night of June 13th, between 10 pm and 7 am, unknown individuals forced the door of the Bellecombe-Tarendol church, breaking the lock. Once inside, they caused minor damage and stole a golden chalice. In addition, they sprayed the interior of the building with a fire extinguisher to conceal their tracks.

Theft in Sant'Antonio Church in Manduria on its Feast's Eve

June 12, 2018, Italy

Thieves entered the church of Sant'Antonio in Manduria on June 12th between 11 am and 2 pm and stole an amplifier and part of the sound system from the sacristy, taking advantage of the confusion in the preparation of the patron's local feast the next day.

Theft and Vandalism in the Chapel of Saint-Valery-sur-Somme

June 12, 2018, France

A painting of the chapel of Saint-Valery-sur-Somme was stolen during the night of June 8th by an unknown person. In addition to the robbery, the grid that protected the chapel was broken and various decorative objects and religious art were damaged.

Asylum-Seeking Christian Family Fears Death in Face of Deportation

June 11, 2018, United Kingdom

The Home Office has repeatedly rejected the asylum applications of a Christian family, who have been living in the UK for the past six years. They fear death if forced to return to Pakistan.

Anarcho-Satanist Graffiti at the Basilica of Chaumont

June 11, 2018, France

On the morning of June 11th, an unknown person sprayed Anarcho-Satanist graffiti on the facade of the Basilica of Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Chaumont (Haute-Marne). Along with the traditional anarchist symbol, the word Satan accompanied by a heart was discovered.

Food Delivery Driver Ripped Cross from Wall of Christian Home

June 11, 2018, United Kingdom

A Greek Orthodox Christian, noticed that the Palm Sunday cross which had been hanging outside her front door for many years had been ripped off when she left for work. It was scattered in pieces on her doormat. After reviewing security cameras, the family discovered that a food delivery driver had torn the cross down just before delivering food to the home. The homeowner reported the incident as hate crime and police began an investigation.

Two Flags Stolen from Church in Züsch

June 9, 2018, Germany

During the night of June 9th, between 3:00 and 3:30 pm, two flags were stolen from the Züsch parish.

Obscene Graffiti on Facade of Italian Church

June 6, 2018, Italy

The Greek church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in the city of Barletta was stained with various graffiti by unknown vandals. Among the graffiti, there were many obscene images and phrases.

Abandoned Church Suffers Gross Desecration

June 6, 2018, Italy

A passerby discovered that unknown people had entered the abandoned church of Santa Corona in Garbagnate Milanese desecrated the interior.

Court of Justice of the European Union Redefines “Spouses”

June 5, 2018, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The Court of Justice of the European Union issued a judgment in the case of Coman and others ruling that all EU Member States, including those that define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, must recognize same-sex marriage contracted abroad, regarding the right of residence.

Man Wields Knife in Berlin Cathedral

June 3, 2018, Germany

When a 53-year-old Austrian man became aggressive and started wielding a knife in the Berlin Cathedral, police were called to intervene. The staff of the cathedral, which is also a popular tourist spot, were able to lead all visitors to safety. About a hundred people were in the cathedral at the time.

Bibles Removed from Hospital Rooms

June 3, 2018, United Kingdom

The Royal Infirmary of Dumfries and Galloway made the decision to remove Bibles from hospital rooms and social areas upon complaint that Christianity was given "preferential treatment".